Lincoln Park hardly qualifies as a hike but when the weather was as bad as it was today, Easter Sunday, it was the perfect place to visit. It was raining when I got there and raining when I left. I was prepared for photography and armed with umbrella and raincoat.
Earlier this week I spotted a fawn lily in West Seattle near Greg Davis Park about to bloom. I remembered having seen them in Lincoln Park once upon a time and hoped to see some today. I didn't but the cherry trees are still in bloom, forsythia is a yellow blaze, the daffodils are still blooming as are bluebells and camelias. Fringecup is about ready to bloom. Nettles are knee-high but that won't bother you on the trail.
Lincoln Park is where I like to go to practice what I call "seeing", looking at old things in a new way and then try to make art of what I see. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don't. Where is the line between a pretty picture and art? I don't know, do you?
I'm not sure the camera and I see the same way but I found lots of subjects to photograph - rain-splashed camelias, rain drops in puddles and on the beach scraps of seaweed as bright as scarves you might find in a department store. Despite the rain, there was color everywhere. Lincoln Park is greening up and the birds are singing.
It was quiet in the park - it was Easter and it was raining. But it was just right for me.
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